The magnificent burial of the body of the first martyr who defended the shrine in 1403 + video – rahnam

According to rahnam news agency from Karaj, the pure body of Behrouz Vahdi, a martyr of the Basiji guard, was buried in the hands of the Hezbollah community in Karaj metropolis on Friday. After performing the Friday prayer, the revolutionary people and martyrs of Karaj escorted the body of this bloody dove and the defender … Read more

The procession of the martyrs who defended the shrine in Qom/ the bodies of martyrs Aghazadenejad and Karimi were laid to rest in Gulzar of Martyrs + film – rahnam

According to rahnam news agency from Qom, the holy body of the martyrs of Guardsman Ali Aghazadenejad and Major Saeed Guardsman Saeed Karimi, one of the martyrs of the Zionist regime’s attack on Syria, this evening in the presence of officials, scholars, clerics, the families of the martyrs and different groups of people from the … Read more

Narrative of the first martyr who defended the Faridoonkanar shrine/ romances of Sardar Shahid Shalikar + film – rahnam

According to rahnam news agency, after the sadness of the cold days at the end of autumn, a warm and exciting beginning was made for some, a beginning as beautiful as martyrdom in a path full of mystery that only true lovers seek and if they give their heart, they will buy you, a heart … Read more

Farewell to the martyrs who defended the homeland/ funeral of the 11 martyrs of the Rusk terrorist attack + video and pictures – rahnam

According to rahnam news agency from Zahedan, the funeral ceremony of the martyrs of the Rask terrorist incident started this morning at the Sistan and Baluchistan police command headquarters with the magnificent presence of the people, the families of the martyrs, the interior minister, military and country commanders, officials of Sistan and Baluchistan, military forces. … Read more

The magnificent farewell of the people of Islamshahri to the martyr who defended the shrine / People hugged the body of the martyr “Sadeghi” + video – rahnam

According to rahnam news agency Islamshahrthe farewell ceremony for the body of the martyr defender of the newly excavated shrine of Seyyed Mustafa Sadeghi was held on Sunday evening in the presence of the honorable family of the martyr, martyr-loving people and officials of Islamshahr near the holy threshold of Imamzadeh Aqeel (AS) in Islamshahr … Read more

Unparalleled reception of the people of Tehran in farewell to the martyrs who defended the shrine + photos and film – rahnam

According to the cultural reporter of rahnam news agency, a public farewell ceremony was held with the holy bodies of the seven martyrs who defended the shrine on Saturday evening, December 11, 1402, in Maraj Shahada. This ceremony coincided with the Fatimid days with the large presence of the people of the capital, families of … Read more

The return of the holy body of the 8 martyrs who defended the shrine to the country – rahnam

According to the rahnam news agency’s defense group, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps General Department of Martyrs announced the identification and return of the holy bodies of eight martyrs who defended the shrine to the Islamic homeland. The text of the announcement is as follows: “In the name of the Lord of martyrs and righteous … Read more