Nazari: Critics of “opening up” do not have any positive solutions to solve the problems/our goal is to attend the parliament to change the status quo – rahnam

Hojjat Nazari, a member of the Central Council of the National Trust Party and one of the signatories of the so-called “Opening the Holes” statement, in an interview with a reporter from rahnam news agency’s parties, referring to the publication of a statement by 110 reformist political and media figures on the need to actively … Read more

Beginning of registration of media and critics of the 42 Fajr Film Festival from Azar 27 – rahnam

The public relations of the 42nd Fajr International Film Festival, with the aim of honoring the members of the media and preventing their rights from being violated, announces the festival card issuance regulations as follows. 1-For journalists, a letter of introduction signed by the media manager is required. Letters of introduction are accepted from media … Read more